
What is an exercise ball?
An exercise ball is a large inflatable exercise ball. Originating in the 1960's, the Exercise Ball has been used in a variety of therapeutic, fitness and daily exercises. It can be sat, lay flat, leaned on, or sandwiched between arms and legs to provide varying levels of resistance and balance training.
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Are Pilates balls good?
As Pilates practitioners, we're always looking for tools to help us further challenge our bodies, as well as provide recovery for injuries and special populations. When we need physical support, we turn to Pilates' toolbox to find variation for everyone. Simple yet one of our most-used tools, the Pilates ball provides many benefits to the Pilates practice, including adductor activation, spinal support, lower body alignment for enhanced stability, and lower body alignment.
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How to use Pregnancy ball during pregnancy
The Pregnancy Ball is the standard therapy ball widely used by pregnant women. It is a large vinyl ball about 65cm or 75cm high when inflated. Some pregnancy balls are made with a non-slip surface so they won't slide easily on the floor. They're also made of a special explosion-proof material -- a honeycomb structure -- that slowly deflates when punctured, rather than bursting suddenly.
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What size exercise ball for 6 foot?
Our lives are busy, especially around the holidays. This makes finding time for the recommended daily amount of exercise nearly impossible. Between work, school, kids, chores, and other activities, it can feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. Even if you have the time, you may not be able to hit the gym and work out. The good news is you don't need an expensive gym or a lot of time to stay fit and become a better version of yourself!
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